
The “General” tab is divided in to three different sections: General, Attributes and Meta data. In the first section, General, there are three options regarding the name and URL of the page:

  1. Name: Name of the page which is displayed in the menu of the Web site and is often used in the templates for the title of the page displayed in left top corner of the browser.
  2. Title: The title area can be used to have a different display from the page name. The title is displayed in the top left corner of the browser.
  3. Simple id: The simple id field is included to enhance compatibility with older versions of LiSA which could also used a simple numerical id to identify pages.
  4. Friendly url: The friendly url field can be used to give the page a more human readable address, for example the page you are reading now can be referred to by it's unique id pageid=a9cabf8a-bec0-41c7-9945-92d1e4d976f1 or it's friendly url General. LiSA will automatically choose a friendly url when the "Auto generate friendly url" box is checked.
  5. Template: The required template for the page can be selected from the drop-down menu, the page will by default inherit the template from it's parent page. Please note, some older versions of LiSA have a separate tab for selecting the template (click here for example)

Note: The friendly url has to be in accordance to rules regarding the URL. For example special characters and empty spaces are not allowed.

There are three main checkbox options in the Attributes section. These settings can also be managed in the page creation process:

  • If the "Page is disabled" box is checked then the page will be completely invisible and inaccessible on the front-end. 
  • If the "Page is visible" box is checked then the page can be seen in the menu of the Web site. If this box is unchecked then the page will disappear from the menu of the Site.
  • If Exclude from search box is checked the page will be excluded from on-site search and other search engines like Google.
Below the main options there are further fields which can be used to activate/de-activate pages based on date and time. There are two main sections here, "Timed activation" and "Timed expiry." By checking the "Page activates" box  and filling out the date and time fields, you are instructing LiSA to activate the page when the current date and time matches the values you have entered. Conversely, by checking the "Page expires" fields and filling out date and time values, you are instructing LiSA to de-activate the page when the specified date and time arrives.

Below the General section Meta data settings can be entered. These options come in handy when optimizing the page for Search engines.

  • Description: Meta Description Tag should contain Max of 25 keywords length or approx 150 characters. Once the “OK” button has been pressed this line is inserted into the source of the page: <meta name="description" content="Here is the description for the page" />
  • Keywords: An optimal number of keywords would be 2-4 words. They can be filled in the keyword area and separated by comma. Once the “OK” button has been pressed this line is inserted into the source of the page: <meta name="keywords" content="keyword 1, keyword 2," />



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