Listobject insert

The ListObject Insert control is used to display an input form for entering data. The results from the forms are saved into a list were it can be retrieved afterwards.

  • BCC: The BCC to use when sending the E-mail message. You can specify multiple addresses by separating them with a semi-comma.
  • Subject: The subject of the E-mail message.
  • Reply-To address: The reply-to address to use. If left blank, no reply-to address will be set, and the from will be used.
  • To Address: The address the data from the form is sent to. You can specify multiple addresses by separating them with a semi-comma.
  • From Address: The address to use when sending the data from the form.
  • CC: The CC to use when sending the E-mail message. You can specify multiple addresses by separating them with a semi-comma.
  • Extension plug-in settings: Data submit plug-in settings.
  • Data submit plug-in: The plug-in to run on the data when the form is submitted. The format is: Namespace, AssemblyName.
  • List: The ListObject to insert into.
  • Allow editing: If checked, the form allows existing records to be edited.
  • Send E-mail: If checked, the data from the form is sent via E-mail.
  • URL after submission: The URL the user is taken to after submission.
  • Form layout: The XSLT template to use for transformation of the form.
  • E-mail layout: The XSLT template to use for transformation of the mail sent from the form.
  • Allowed Extensions: If the form contains attachment fields(Images/Files), you can specify which file extensions are accepted. Leaving this empty will accept any file type. Separate file types with a comma.
  • Image category: The category to upload images into.
  • File category: The category to upload files into.
  • File size limit (KB): The maximum size of each individual file/image, in kilobytes.



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