Item gallery

In the item gallery you can manage images, files and other media. Here it is possible to upload all the images that are to be shown on the website and also files, videos and other documents you might want to make available for the users.


The files are divided into two folders:

  • Files: Here all documents and files that are not images are stored e.g. videos, pdf files, word- and excel documents.
  • Images: In this folder all images are stored. File types that are allowed are: .gif, .jpeg, .jpg, .png and .bmp.


There are a few options to choose from to manage the files:

  • Upload: For uploading files to the system.
  • Edit: For editing properties of files that have been uploaded, e.g. change the name.
  • Delete
  • View: For viewing the files.
  • Download: To download the files to the computer.
  • Cut
  • Copy
  • Paste

File types and image procedures

For more information about file types and image procedures contact the web department at Advania.



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